Jordan Majeau Online

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A Big Thank YOU!

Just over a year ago, with the encouragement of my wife, I started blogging. I needed a challenge and a creative outlet. I was also trying to find a way for people to get to know me better, personally and professionally. Those that know me in real life know that I'm quiet. So I hoped to find a way to invite people into my life so they can see how I'm learning and processing. My initial goal was to publish something each week. At times, this was a stretch, but I’m glad I kept that promise I made to myself.

At times, the internet can be a ruthlessly loud place, and I wanted to carve out a tiny inch of it where I could do my best to encourage and challenge anyone who would stop by. I continue to wholeheartedly believe that hospitality and community are values that have the power to change the world, and I'd like to continue writing along these themes.

However, I've had many also tell me that they are encouraged when they see me engage in the cultural issues of the day. So this year, I'm going to give myself a bit more permission can I say this? Be someone who challenges. Maintaining a hospitable tone with conviction is a delicate balance, and I can't promise I'll always succeed, but I'm going to try.

Anyway, thank you for reading, learning, and engaging with me over the last year. It really does mean a lot. I'm looking forward to the year ahead.

Take care!