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I Was a Stranger…

There are four weighty words strung together in the English language that will always stop me in my tracks.

"I was a stranger,"

They are words from the Bible, and they are meant to challenge us to respond to those in need. “ I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35). You can substitute the word "Stranger" with various other adjectives—words like houseless, immigrant, refugee, a prisoner, and outsider all fit.

Those who identify with these adjectives are up against epic-sized challenges. Unfortunately, those who do not often don’t know what to do to solve the disparity. If you are like me, you can become overwhelmed by the challenges of "The Stranger" and be tempted to throw your hands up and not do anything. Why bother if I can't fix the root causes of these calamities?

I was reminded in Malcolm Gladwell's recent episode of "Revisionist History" that small acts of kindness can go a long way in saving lives. After listening on my way to work, I felt hopeful and challenged all at the same time. Gladwell's interviews with his family and friends painted a beautiful picture of what Canada and communities of faith can look like at their best. Very normal people doing what they can to make a difference. On the surface, it may not look epic or heroic- but acts of kindness are miraculous.

We may not have a fortune at our disposal to change the course of an armed conflict. That's ok.

Every morning, God grants us a delicious bite-sized experience called a day. When we are in a position to choose how to spend that day, we have the opportunity to be a blessing. That blessing can be a small act of kindness, or as Malcolm Gladwell calls it, a "temporary suspension of indifference." You can give to the food bank, you can volunteer your time, or donate to a cause that you care about. or you could help sponsor refugees. These are not wasted efforts.

Thank you for reading, friend. May you find yourself performing miracles this week.

P.S My friend…The next time you’re driving your car, riding a bus or going for a walk, do yourself a favor and listen to the episode “I Was a Stranger, and you welcomed me.” I guarantee you’ll be blessed by it.