Pass the Mujadara

A rabbi, a former pastor, and a small group of curious people from diverse backgrounds sit down together for a conversation. No, it's not the start of a joke. A few years ago, I had the fantastic privilege of leading an open discussion about food and faith with community members that I served. We ate mujadara, a delicious dish served in Israel, knish, and other baked goods. I had no idea how the conversation would go, but I had faith in the power of hospitality. My hope was rewarded, and the discussion was enlightening. I learned about the significance of water "mayim", bread "lechem" and wine "yayin" in the Hebrew language. The most rewarding part of the discussion was the idea that a table is a holy place in the Jewish faith. This idea matches what I've experienced whenever I've sat down at the table with someone from a different background. Something powerful is present.

I'm an explorer at heart. My hope for you today is that if you have the chance to sit down and enjoy a meal and conversation with someone different from you, you seize the opportunity. The world will open up and become a bigger place.

Thanks for reading,



Cooking & Cast Iron


Dear Parent: Your Son or Daughter works with me.