Be Unreasonable
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Be Unreasonable

After nearly two decades of working in hospitality and community, I've learned one thing: motivation is a non-renewable resource. There is often an infinite and unending demand for service. We only have so much energy to give, and it doesn't take long to give the little we have. We're only human.

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Book Review: Saving Us by Katharine Hayhoe
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Book Review: Saving Us by Katharine Hayhoe

"Saving Us," is the first book I read this year. I'm glad I did because I found it inspiring on many different levels. As I mentioned earlier, this is a daunting subject for me, and I often feel like I've got little say on the issue of climate change.

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Book Review: Why Is There Suffering?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Book Review: Why Is There Suffering?

When it comes to one of the big questions in life, like, "Why is there suffering?" the answers are never straightforward. If anything, I've found the answers to be frustrating and sometimes downright insulting. (read more)

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