Our Way In The Cold
There's a great deal of sadness, anger, and grief with the challenges around our more vulnerable neighbors here in the city. I feel sad, even just writing out the word neighbors. The word neighbor implies a relationship of acceptance and coexistence. The forced evacuation of these sites has proven that we have a lot of work ahead of us before we can say Edmonton is a neighborly city.
Only Human
I'm not upset because I got sick. I've always known it was bound to happen at some point. I'm upset because I had to take time off work. I've always been proud that I'm rarely ill…And yet, a small rapid antigen test has reminded me of the following:
Do you Trust You?
Let me ask you another related question. How good are you at keeping promises you've made to yourself?
A Night in the ER
Complaining is a straightforward exercise, and it doesn't require much effort. It comes easy for most of us. Our health care system is an easy target for our complaints. I'm not suggesting for a moment that we don't work towards improvements in our current system, but I'd rather take this opportunity to recognize the fantastic health care workers that serve in Alberta.