Inconvenient Change
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Inconvenient Change

Sometimes, it's easier to have someone remain a villain. False clarity makes conflict convenient. For good reason, we think of redemption as a great lofty concept, but it's easy to forget that it comes with a set of inconveniences. Basically, a redeemed villain requires me to rewire how I think and respond to that person. This isn't comfortable at all because it means I need to change.

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Instant Faith
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Instant Faith

We're all smart here. Despite what we're being sold, we all know deep down inside that any worthwhile transformation requires a crucial ingredient—hard work. There is no way around it. I can't change myself for the better unless I do the work. Though TikTok and Instagram advertise otherwise, sustainable success is a long game.

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Self Edit
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Self Edit

For the most part, my values have remained intact, but I've been gradually editing my beliefs about the world around me. Some ideas I used to carry are no longer helpful, and I've carefully dropped them

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Going Solar!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Going Solar!

Growing up, I was taught in school that solar power was possible. Still, back then, it seemed that this kind of technology was reserved for millionaires, mad scientists, James Bond Villains, or.... all three combined. Decades later, these life choices are no longer the prerequisite for residential solar power generation.

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This Version of You
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

This Version of You

It's been said that every seven years, every cell in your body has died and regenerated, creating a completely different you. So physically, you and I are entirely other people than we were in 2016. I know the science of this idea is not 100% accurate, but it's a fun starting point when thinking about the future and what's next

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Prepping for 50 Million
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Prepping for 50 Million

Generosity is not a superpower that comes to you after being stuck by lightning or bitten by a radioactive spider.

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Worf’s a Vegan
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Worf’s a Vegan

So I asked myself again with an added condition; could I switch to an entirely plant-based diet if my life depended on it? My answer to that is, I hope so. I sincerely hope that if confronted with the choice to either survive or die early, I'd do everything I can to choose life.

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