Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau


What do we do when we feel like a pianist sitting in front of a drum set? How do we move forward in these awkward and uncomfortable stages of life when we feel out of place?

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A Day Off With No Fried Chicken
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

A Day Off With No Fried Chicken

Imagine a world where everyone could afford to take a day off. The only way this future could come about is if those who can afford to take two days off make it possible for everyone to have one. We would need to take only what we need and relearn how to live life.

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Travel God
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Travel God

The world we live in today makes us ask questions about nearly everything about our identity. For people of faith, there's a real fear of moving beyond what they were taught and learning to live in new philosophical and political landscapes.

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