Welcome New York 2024
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Welcome New York 2024

The primary reason I attended is that I believe that one of my most critical responsibilities as a leader is to stay inspired. Staying inspired and motivated is something I'm not going to wait to happen. I care enough about my career to invest in extending the borders of my knowledge and experience. Attending a conference is one way to do it.

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We Went to Portland: Part I
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

We Went to Portland: Part I

My wife and I recently spent a few days in Portland, Oregon. Our family stepped up to take care of the kids while we were away, and we had a great time. Why Portland, you ask? There are many great reasons to visit Portland, but here are the four reasons it made sense for us. This is a two-part blog and in this first part, I’m going to cover the first two reasons.

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The Gift of a Three-Hour Drive
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Gift of a Three-Hour Drive

Do you feel like you're in a rut? Let me challenge you to find a free day, load up your road trip playlist, jump in your car, and grab a breakfast; a Mcdonald's Egg McMuffin meal will do. Then drive. Drive 90 minutes to 3 hours in any direction. Have lunch wherever you stop, and then head home. The only caveat I'd add is to try to avoid using the Queen Elizabeth II Highway. Instead, try using a highway that's less familiar to you.

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