New York Feels Quiet
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

New York Feels Quiet

Anyone who's been to New York will tell you there is a constant dissonant clash of car horns, jackhammers, and the pained cries of ambulance sirens that echo down the streets. But as a visitor, I don’t feel the weight or connection to those sounds. These noises do not belong to me; they run off like rain trying to grip Teflon.

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Repel The Attack
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Repel The Attack

If something is not right and it is disrupting the health of whatever brings you contentment, take action to deal with it before it worsens. Like gardening, peace needs tending.

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The Best of Us
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Best of Us

Worry and anxiety are feelings that are difficult to manage in a world that is low on grace and high on shame. Here are the top three things I worry about. Making mistakes Getting hurt and Disappointing people

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