Train Station on Fire!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Train Station on Fire!

…Through the dark, I focused my eyes to make sure I saw correctly, and sure enough, a group of people had lit a fire on the station platform. It wasn't a massive bonfire, but it was big enough that I could see large arcs of flame from about 50 yards away. I quickly scanned the area to see if a security officer could respond and take action. There was none present.

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Deal with the Snake
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Deal with the Snake

I'm not the first person who should be giving lessons on leadership.-but one of the lessons I've learned about leadership is that being a leader means you have to be the one that deals with the "snake".

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Cows and Two-by-Fours
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Cows and Two-by-Fours

Most solutions have an expiry date. Unfortunately, being angry at the reality of your problem may cause you to miss those expiration dates. Save your energy.

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