New York Feels Quiet
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

New York Feels Quiet

Anyone who's been to New York will tell you there is a constant dissonant clash of car horns, jackhammers, and the pained cries of ambulance sirens that echo down the streets. But as a visitor, I don’t feel the weight or connection to those sounds. These noises do not belong to me; they run off like rain trying to grip Teflon.

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Be Unreasonable
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Be Unreasonable

After nearly two decades of working in hospitality and community, I've learned one thing: motivation is a non-renewable resource. There is often an infinite and unending demand for service. We only have so much energy to give, and it doesn't take long to give the little we have. We're only human.

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Up In The Air
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Up In The Air

Up in the Air. All of these travelers are in-between spaces. They are not home, and they are not really at any destination. They all have one job; sit and enjoy the ride.

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