Jordan Travels New York
I love to travel and tell stories about what I’ve experienced. My dream job would involve both. With that said, I believe it’s always important to not wait for your job to provide an outlet to do the things you love. So, I do make travel content.
New York Feels Quiet
Anyone who's been to New York will tell you there is a constant dissonant clash of car horns, jackhammers, and the pained cries of ambulance sirens that echo down the streets. But as a visitor, I don’t feel the weight or connection to those sounds. These noises do not belong to me; they run off like rain trying to grip Teflon.
Travel Like Matt
If your personal, professional, and spiritual journey is helping you become a more humble person, you’re traveling well. If you find yourself building your own brand by endlessly critiquing and “yelping” against your own culture, you might be impeding your own progress. The best way to critique is to build something new and beautiful while maintaining a foundation of love.
Long Road to Osaka
I have experienced success, but I've always had to take the long, unscenic route to get there. It looked to me like these kids had found the shortcut that I had looked for, but I had never found it. While sipping my Old Fashioned, I wondered to myself, "Did I waste my twenties?"
Sake Runneth Over
Restaurants live and die by keeping a close eye on cost controls. A spilled tablespoon of Sake with every customer adds up quickly and ultimately requires the business to buy additional bottles with no opportunity to recover those costs. Restaurant owners want their guests to be happy, but not...too happy.
Road Rules
Sometime early next week, I'll sit in an airport terminal waiting for a flight that will take me across an ocean to a new destination. I know that I'll feel anxious but in a good way. It's the unknown, after all, but I've adapted well to it. I do well in places where I don't speak the language.
We Went to Quebec Part II
We have a young family, so we had to be intentional about what we'd like to do and also leave room for rest and spontaneity on our trip to Quebec City.
Pack A Photographer
There is one thing you could include in your travel budget that will enhance your experience at your destination, continue to provide value for you for years to come, and provide a gateway for you to return to the great memories you made on your trip. If you can’t pack a photographer, you should at least budget to hire a professional one.
We Went to Quebec
"Your French is better than my English." said the taxi driver to me as he drove my family to Jean Lesage Airport to catch our flight back to Edmonton. I hadn't put much thought into the quality of my French on our family trip to Quebec City, but I did feel a sense of gratitude for my parents' decision when I was five years old to put me in a French immersion school program.
We Went to Portland: Part II
This is the second of a two-part series of travel blog posts on good reasons to visit Portland, Oregon. In this post, I want to talk about food. Now, I don't want to talk about food from the perspective of a food critic. Food critic blogs are legion, and I'm not interested in joining them anytime soon. I am, however, drawn to talk about food in the context of value and connection.
We Went to Portland: Part I
My wife and I recently spent a few days in Portland, Oregon. Our family stepped up to take care of the kids while we were away, and we had a great time. Why Portland, you ask? There are many great reasons to visit Portland, but here are the four reasons it made sense for us. This is a two-part blog and in this first part, I’m going to cover the first two reasons.
Travel Light
It's the final leg of travel on my 23-hour journey from Edmonton to Buenos Aires. I check to make sure I have everything. What am I taking on this flight? I have one backpack, and inside it, I've packed one toiletry bag, a book, and a cellphone charger. Boom!
The Gift of a Three-Hour Drive
Do you feel like you're in a rut? Let me challenge you to find a free day, load up your road trip playlist, jump in your car, and grab a breakfast; a Mcdonald's Egg McMuffin meal will do. Then drive. Drive 90 minutes to 3 hours in any direction. Have lunch wherever you stop, and then head home. The only caveat I'd add is to try to avoid using the Queen Elizabeth II Highway. Instead, try using a highway that's less familiar to you.
Learning Spanish
Tourists expect their hosts to accommodate them; a traveler adapts and changes themselves to gain more out of their journey.
Are You Happy? Part III: Solo in Scotland
Yes, traveling alone is great; I'll still do it from time to time-but have you tried being on a journey with people? That's way better. You need your family; you need your friends, and you need your coworkers. Humans are meant to live in tribes. That's how we thrive…