Picard And Pentecost
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Picard And Pentecost

You cannot truly understand someone if you don't know their story. Language is often a carrier of culture and meaning. You have to listen to catch it.

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My Bill Clinton Story PART II
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My Bill Clinton Story PART II

If Bill Clinton can find time and resources to write Canadians living in Edmonton, Alberta, I can find time to connect directly with Family, friends, coworkers, guests, and clients

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My Bill Clinton Story Part 1
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My Bill Clinton Story Part 1

As a hotel general manager, I spend a lot of time responding to guest reviews, voicemail messages, and connecting with clients. I also work with our team to ensure that I'm always seizing opportunities to connect with our team members in meaningful ways throughout the day. It's a lot of work, but I'm happy to throw myself into it because of something that inspired me many years ago.

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