Expensive Memory
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Expensive Memory

I think we all recognize that memories are never perfect. In the best-case scenario, they're like a colander that holds the essential ingredients but allows minor and more subtle elements to escape. As a result, our memories are porous and permeable and have a way of depreciating over time.

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BBQ Heaven
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

BBQ Heaven

What is heaven like? Well, friend, I think it's like an afternoon barbeque with everyone at the table. Experiences like this bring heaven to earth. The world would look so much better with open doors and full plates.

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Up In The Air
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Up In The Air

Up in the Air. All of these travelers are in-between spaces. They are not home, and they are not really at any destination. They all have one job; sit and enjoy the ride.

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There Are No Extras
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

There Are No Extras

Years ago, I was in Juarez, Mexico, along the Rio Grande and the US and Mexican border. While I was there, I took a photo of the area, and as I snapped the photo, something unintended happened…

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