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Ukraine, Thinking of You

We are bombarded with images every day. But sometimes, you'll seem one, and it makes you stop and slow down for a moment. Yesterday, that image for me was an image of a traffic jam several kilometers long of vehicles leaving Kyiv as the Russian army invades Ukraine.

I'm not an expert in foreign policy. I’ve never had the privilege of visiting Ukraine. I don't know the history, and I don't know where this will go. But I find myself asking myself, how does it feel to be in one of those cars?

I can imagine a student leaving the city in her car, worried her family unable to reach them on the phone. I can imagine strangers offering a spare seat to someone who needs a ride. In my mind's eye, I imagine an older man fearful of what the future may look like having to start over late in life. My heart breaks when I picture a mom and dad doing their best to be brave with their kids in the back seats, not knowing if they'll ever return to their home. In that traffic jam, there are thousands of individual stories of people experiencing a lot of pain.

To all those in Ukraine seeking safety and peace, you're in my thoughts; you're in my prayers. I will look for practical ways to help you in the coming days. May you find hope soon.