Nostalgia-The False God
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Nostalgia-The False God

Sales and marketing departments love people like me because I'm an easy target. They know that all they have to do is put out some key images, like a retro-looking Santa with a bottle of Coke, and I'm in! Take my money!… Businesses know how to use the not-so-secret weapon of marketing... Nostalgia.

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The Practice of Fear and Courage
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Practice of Fear and Courage

I've let people down. There are times in my life when I've been a very well-practiced coward. On the other hand, there have been moments in my life when I've been courageous.

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Hangry Community
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Hangry Community

…I get hangry. I eat a very early breakfast, and the result of this habit is that by 11:30, I'm starting to get hungry. If I haven't started to eat by noon, I'm ok, but I am now a ticking time bomb. By 12:30, I will be irritable if I have yet to have a bite to eat. In the tragic event that I have not eaten lunch by 1:00 PM, I am now a potential work hazard.

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Happy Halloween!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Happy Halloween!

Twenty years ago, a professor of mine asked a question in class that continues to revisit me at Halloween. "What is the most Christian thing to do at Halloween?"

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Travel Light
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Travel Light

It's the final leg of travel on my 23-hour journey from Edmonton to Buenos Aires. I check to make sure I have everything. What am I taking on this flight? I have one backpack, and inside it, I've packed one toiletry bag, a book, and a cellphone charger. Boom!

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Expensive Memory
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Expensive Memory

I think we all recognize that memories are never perfect. In the best-case scenario, they're like a colander that holds the essential ingredients but allows minor and more subtle elements to escape. As a result, our memories are porous and permeable and have a way of depreciating over time.

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Life in the Dark
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Life in the Dark

If we let it, the darkness has a way of isolating us all into believing we're alone in the world.

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Deal with the Snake
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Deal with the Snake

I'm not the first person who should be giving lessons on leadership.-but one of the lessons I've learned about leadership is that being a leader means you have to be the one that deals with the "snake".

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Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau


Those who change the world are the ones who are better at listening than talking

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A Night in the ER
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

A Night in the ER

Complaining is a straightforward exercise, and it doesn't require much effort. It comes easy for most of us. Our health care system is an easy target for our complaints. I'm not suggesting for a moment that we don't work towards improvements in our current system, but I'd rather take this opportunity to recognize the fantastic health care workers that serve in Alberta.

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Give Peace a Like
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Give Peace a Like

Like many of you, I was embarrassed and angry to see what happened last weekend in Grand Prairie, where an individual verbally assaulted Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and her staff. Unfortunately, the man's conduct is an example of behavior in Alberta that's becoming far too common. Not just in Alberta but in Canada and around the world.

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BBQ Heaven
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

BBQ Heaven

What is heaven like? Well, friend, I think it's like an afternoon barbeque with everyone at the table. Experiences like this bring heaven to earth. The world would look so much better with open doors and full plates.

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Better Than Pizza
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Better Than Pizza

m. Some will want to participate, and some will not. That's ok. You should still try to add some variety. Here's what I did this weekend. I took my team on a quick tour of the city. An adventure that took us across the river, trails, and rails. If you think your team would enjoy it, feel free to use any ideas that would help.

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The Gift of a Three-Hour Drive
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Gift of a Three-Hour Drive

Do you feel like you're in a rut? Let me challenge you to find a free day, load up your road trip playlist, jump in your car, and grab a breakfast; a Mcdonald's Egg McMuffin meal will do. Then drive. Drive 90 minutes to 3 hours in any direction. Have lunch wherever you stop, and then head home. The only caveat I'd add is to try to avoid using the Queen Elizabeth II Highway. Instead, try using a highway that's less familiar to you.

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Listening in French
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Listening in French

The Bible records the beginning of the church in the book of Acts. It’s a book that lays out a pattern for what a Christian lifestyle can look like. Christians are people who speak different languages and see the beauty of different cultures. They eat new foods, and they explore new terrains. They don't conquer; they serve.

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Learning Spanish
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Learning Spanish

Tourists expect their hosts to accommodate them; a traveler adapts and changes themselves to gain more out of their journey.

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Why So Political?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Why So Political?

Does your faith care about everyday life? Does it have something to say about the food you eat? Does your religion have anything to say about how our justice system works? Does your faith community have a response to issues around equality? I think we can all agree that the answer is that it should.

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A Big Thank YOU!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

A Big Thank YOU!

Just over a year ago, with the encouragement of my wife, I started blogging. I needed a challenge and a creative outlet. I was also trying to find a way for people to get to know me better, personally and professionally. If you know me in real life, you know I'm quiet. So I hoped to find a way to invite people into my life so they can see how I'm learning and processing.

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My Stan Lee Story
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My Stan Lee Story

Yes! Stan Lee once made a cameo appearance in my story. Here’s the tale.

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