See The Stars

As we settle into fall, I'm caught off guard at how quickly the sunsets in the evening. Once I put my kids to bed, I'll try and go for a quick walk through the neighborhood, and It's now dark outside by 8 PM. There are lights from buildings, street lights, and homes, but we rarely see stars in the city.

I had to remind myself of something very basic but true. You see, It's been years since I've seen a clear black sky full of stars. I think it was March 2014 in Rwanda, to be exact. Any time I've been outside the city at night, there have been clouds. But, there is a great immense, and magnificent star-filled sky on the other side of those clouds. Even though I can't see it, it's there. What about dreams? Hopes? Whatever your perspective on life is today, just know that there is so much more beyond what you can perceive and understand. If you're in a place in life where you can no longer see the stars, remember the times you could. If that fails you, find someone who can remind you. I've often experienced spiritual moments when speaking with others. God is in that coffee conversation or that late-night video chat. Good people have a way of reminding us that there are always possibilities. So please do yourself a favor, call that friend you haven't spoken to in some time, and connect.

Hang in there, and go easy on yourself.


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