Edmonton’s True Colors
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Edmonton’s True Colors

This playoff run has not only unearthed the qualities of our community, but it has also revealed our true colors, which run deeper than blue and orange. Edmonton is a city of resilience and determination, a place where we work hard and love nothing more than having fun with friends and family. It's a city that we are proud to call home, a place where we can raise a family and build a life.

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All We Have is Us
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

All We Have is Us

Dreams, like plants, need to be nurtured where they are planted. We have the greatest opportunity to help bring the dreams of small business owners to life. We would be mistaken if we expected a flood of business to come in from other markets to help our local business grow. When it comes to cheering on our neighbors, all we have is us.

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Values and Stolen Bikes
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Values and Stolen Bikes

Being robbed is an aspect of urban life. It doesn't define life in the city, but it is a reality. When something like this happens, I'm angry and frustrated because we work as a family to make things better in the world, and it feels like our efforts are futile. In times like these, I feel like the world is laughing at our values, and it's humiliating.

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May 19, 1984: an Edmonton Story
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

May 19, 1984: an Edmonton Story

I enjoy watching the games, but more than anything, I love when our city comes together to celebrate. You don't have to be a sports fan to get into the spirit of things. Perfect strangers high-five each other on the street, and businesses will let staff wear Oiler Jerseys to work.

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Easter at the North Saskatchewan
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Easter at the North Saskatchewan

If you live in Edmonton, each time you go to the tap and pour yourself a cold glass of water, you're tasting something that has come to us from the Columbia Icefield. A stream of water begins as a trickle and then starts a downward flow from the Saskatchewan Glacier.

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Train Station on Fire!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Train Station on Fire!

…Through the dark, I focused my eyes to make sure I saw correctly, and sure enough, a group of people had lit a fire on the station platform. It wasn't a massive bonfire, but it was big enough that I could see large arcs of flame from about 50 yards away. I quickly scanned the area to see if a security officer could respond and take action. There was none present.

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Santa Rides ETS
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Santa Rides ETS

Believing good people surround you will help you take risks, speak honestly, and do the right thing.

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Better Than Pizza
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Better Than Pizza

m. Some will want to participate, and some will not. That's ok. You should still try to add some variety. Here's what I did this weekend. I took my team on a quick tour of the city. An adventure that took us across the river, trails, and rails. If you think your team would enjoy it, feel free to use any ideas that would help.

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Why I Bought A Gun
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Why I Bought A Gun

"Hey buddy, how was school today?" I ask my son as he gets into the car. At the time, my son was in Kindergarten, and I have expected him to tell me about a station he enjoyed playing at or something funny, one of his friends said.

"Good, Dad, we had a lockdown drill today."

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Edmonton City Of __________
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Edmonton City Of __________

If you had the chance to give the city of Edmonton a nickname or slogan, what would it be? I know this idea gets revisited every once in a while, but hear me out.

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It’s Great To See You Again
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

It’s Great To See You Again

…nothing, and I mean nothing, matches the experience of community. Cheering on your own in your basement is ok; but, standing on your feet to cheer along with 48 000 other fans is exhilarating.

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What in Edmonton?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

What in Edmonton?

Making people feel welcome in Edmonton is not just the hospitalities industry's responsibility. If this is your home, you can help in enhancing the overall quality of life here. If you're a leader of any kind, being hospitable in our community is critical.

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Gold In The River
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Gold In The River

If you spend enough time along the North Saskatchewan River, you run the possibility of coming across tiny flecks of gold dust in the sediment along the river. I've never gone gold panning in the river, but I know that there are hobbyists who have developed the skills to find value from places that are not obvious.

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Why Edmonton?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Why Edmonton?

When people ask me why I stay in Edmonton, my elevator speech is this: "Edmonton is a city that is going to give you your chance to do whatever you'd like to do. Our town will open doors of opportunity that may be closed in other cities in Canada."

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