Are You Happy? Part III: Solo in Scotland
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Are You Happy? Part III: Solo in Scotland

Yes, traveling alone is great; I'll still do it from time to time-but have you tried being on a journey with people? That's way better. You need your family; you need your friends, and you need your coworkers. Humans are meant to live in tribes. That's how we thrive…

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Are You Happy? Part II
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Are You Happy? Part II

Am I in the right job?

Did I pick the right career?

Would it have been better had I moved to another city?

Did I make a mistake in turning down that opportunity?

If I could go back in time, what would I change?

How do I feel about these questions?

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Are You Happy?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Are You Happy?

Are you happy? It should be an easy question to answer—either yes or no. Simple!

Here's why I struggle to answer that question.

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