Jordan Travels New York
I love to travel and tell stories about what I’ve experienced. My dream job would involve both. With that said, I believe it’s always important to not wait for your job to provide an outlet to do the things you love. So, I do make travel content.
My Security Detail
There is a history of Cancer in my genetics. I'm not paranoid, and I'm not afraid, but I do believe in being prepared. Heightened possibilities exist that this disease, which has inflicted so much pain in our world, may make an attempt on my life at some point.
Inconvenient Change
Sometimes, it's easier to have someone remain a villain. False clarity makes conflict convenient. For good reason, we think of redemption as a great lofty concept, but it's easy to forget that it comes with a set of inconveniences. Basically, a redeemed villain requires me to rewire how I think and respond to that person. This isn't comfortable at all because it means I need to change.
Church of Glass Houses
Idols are insidious because they sneak in the back door of places of worship, take a seat in the pew, and sit there for years with no one asking them why they're there.
Prayer for the Unremarkable
I work hard every day and try not to get in other people's way or stir up trouble. I don't even ask for much attention, but it'd be nice to have a bit. This world I live in has very little room for the unremarkable.
The Best of Us
Worry and anxiety are feelings that are difficult to manage in a world that is low on grace and high on shame. Here are the top three things I worry about. Making mistakes Getting hurt and Disappointing people
Travel Like Matt
If your personal, professional, and spiritual journey is helping you become a more humble person, you’re traveling well. If you find yourself building your own brand by endlessly critiquing and “yelping” against your own culture, you might be impeding your own progress. The best way to critique is to build something new and beautiful while maintaining a foundation of love.
Heretics Can’t Go Home
…But as much as I’ve loved the journey, there are times when I look back over my shoulder, and feelings of nostalgia catch up to me and tap me on the shoulder. In those moments, I find myself wondering if I’d be happier if I could go back to the start and enjoy the comforts of the familiar.
Eclipse and the End
“It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.” -J.R.R Tolkien “The Fellowship of the Ring”
Long Road to Osaka
I have experienced success, but I've always had to take the long, unscenic route to get there. It looked to me like these kids had found the shortcut that I had looked for, but I had never found it. While sipping my Old Fashioned, I wondered to myself, "Did I waste my twenties?"
Road Rules
Sometime early next week, I'll sit in an airport terminal waiting for a flight that will take me across an ocean to a new destination. I know that I'll feel anxious but in a good way. It's the unknown, after all, but I've adapted well to it. I do well in places where I don't speak the language.
Your Calling
If you could do anything else with your life, would you be doing it? It’s possible you could have selected another company to work for or pursued a different role and title, but you would still be you.
Waiting to Fly
Life doesn't always give us defined waiting times. Life includes illness, job instability, tragedy, loss, and grief. Some phases of life can feel like an extended stay in a lonely airport.
It’s ok. Make New Friends.
I transitioned away from full-time ministry 18 years ago this month and forged a new career in hospitality. After moving back home to Edmonton, I started my first job in a hotel. That first week was so awkward and scary for me. I
Jesus Freak
This is the struggle of the ages for anyone religious. Do you allow your faith to evolve when presented with new information? I would say yes.
The Pentecostal Diet
This kind of faith pushes Christians beyond the boundaries of comfort and into a world where they could one day sit at a restaurant and enjoy Filipino Sisig or an Argentine Choripan. Not just to enjoy the food but to love the people who serve it. A faith where Christians would learn to speak new languages not just to become comfortable in the world but to better understand and appreciate it.
Finding a New Church
Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, the first Palm Sunday of my life where I did not have a church home to be at on a Sunday morning. My family and I have been searching for a new church home since the beginning of the year. At the end of 2022, the church we were connected with closed, and we are trying to find our place.
This Version of You
It's been said that every seven years, every cell in your body has died and regenerated, creating a completely different you. So physically, you and I are entirely other people than we were in 2016. I know the science of this idea is not 100% accurate, but it's a fun starting point when thinking about the future and what's next
Life of the Party
You may have already sent out your New Years' celebration, but let me encourage you to invite one more guest. My friend Grace, yes, the world's worst street preacher. While not a prominent guest, I assure you that she'll be the life of the party.