It’s ok. Make New Friends.
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

It’s ok. Make New Friends.

I transitioned away from full-time ministry 18 years ago this month and forged a new career in hospitality. After moving back home to Edmonton, I started my first job in a hotel. That first week was so awkward and scary for me. I

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Workplace Wounds
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Workplace Wounds

Workplace Betrayal.

It's an injury that's very likely to happen. It’s also an injury that doesn’t have a caution sign that we could post in an office to warn people about.

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The Adventures of Jorg
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Adventures of Jorg

The Barista misheard my name, but I admit it was nice to have someone assume a good version of me. Moreover, the assumption improved the interaction.

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Are You Happy? Part III: Solo in Scotland
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Are You Happy? Part III: Solo in Scotland

Yes, traveling alone is great; I'll still do it from time to time-but have you tried being on a journey with people? That's way better. You need your family; you need your friends, and you need your coworkers. Humans are meant to live in tribes. That's how we thrive…

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Talking To Data
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Talking To Data

Fans of Star Trek come in all shapes and sizes, but many of us like to ask the actors questions like, "Where are the bathrooms on the Enterprise?" or "did the Enterprise-D ever have a compliment of quantum torpedos?" and even questions like "Who would win in a fight, Data or C-3PO?" These are my people, and I love them.

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