Jordan Majeau Online

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Yes… Take that chance

I took this years ago just outside of Jasper. The hotel that I managed at the time was going through a brand update which required a large photo that would be a feature in the main lobby. My wife encouraged me to submit one of my photos. I was initially reluctant because, as a rule, brands don't like making exceptions to their designs. It's easier for them from a quality assurance perspective to provide 6-8 pre-approved choices. A brand will normally decline a submission outside the established design. If I'm honest, I was scared of having something I put out there rejected. This blog is a weekly exercise in pushing through that fear and insecurity.

That being the case, I took a chance. I looked at their requirements and made my submission. About a week later, I received an email from the designers saying "Yes! We love it! You'll be granted an exception! This works!"

It was very rewarding to then see the large wall-sized version go up behind the front desk months later. Lessons here, listen to your wife and swing for the fence. If you enjoy doing something, share your talent. Take that chance, put yourself out there!

Friend, thanks for reading!