God and Paint Brushes
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

God and Paint Brushes

There is something so special and powerful about a child creating art. He painted a bright yellow sunshine, green grass, and a tree. In my eyes, my son painted the most beautiful landscape I had ever seen.

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What if no one shows up?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

What if no one shows up?

I write and create with the hopes of an audience, but I really do it because I believe the work in itself is important.

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My TV Show Pitch
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My TV Show Pitch

Dear television executive

I would like to pitch an idea for a new 45-a-50-minute reality-based show called "The Great Canadian Campfire."

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The Creative Grace
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Creative Grace

There are a lot of reasons to be afraid these days. We know this because our news feeds don't offer us a variety of stories to consume. The menu of the day seems to be a buffet of war, destruction, violence, and despair.

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Haters and Creators
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Haters and Creators

Complaining is easy. The road taken by the chronic complainer is broad, and many walk it.

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Yes… Take that chance
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Yes… Take that chance

Lessons here, listen to your wife and swing for the fence. If you enjoy doing something, share your talent. Take that chance!

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