God and Paint Brushes

A short while ago, my son pulled out a set of paints and a small canvas from the dollar store and started to paint. He painted with a freedom unrestrained by the expectation of judgment or critique. Like any parent, I was moved. There is something so special and powerful about a child creating art. He painted a bright yellow sunshine, green grass, and a tree. In my eyes, my son painted the most beautiful landscape I had ever seen. He told me his painting was his "special edition" and that it would be a rare find. I couldn't agree more.

I know at some point, life will come knocking at his door to tell him his paintings are not good enough. Circumstances will laugh at his efforts and belittle his humble heart. He will cease believing that he can create that which is both treasured and rare.

I hate that.

After watching him paint and considering the fragility of my boy's creative spirit, I have a better understanding of the fierce warning in scripture where Jesus says,

 "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

I re-read that scripture, not personifying an individual who brings harm to children. Instead, I read it as a rebuke of the forces in the world that beat the child-like wonder out of all of us when we were kids.

I believe God is a better parent than me. If I feel this level of grief over the idea of my boy losing childlike wonder, I have to expect that God feels that way when I don't give my dreams a chance.

God's happy when I believe big and step out to create something new.

God's always been there to help me stand up after I've taken a fall and directed my heart to see the beautiful possibilities of the unknown.

My hope is that I can do this for my family so that they can keep creating whatever beautiful landscapes they're meant to create.

So wherever you are today, give yourself the chance to believe big again, just like a child.


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