My Security Detail
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

My Security Detail

There is a history of Cancer in my genetics. I'm not paranoid, and I'm not afraid, but I do believe in being prepared. Heightened possibilities exist that this disease, which has inflicted so much pain in our world, may make an attempt on my life at some point.

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Inconvenient Change
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Inconvenient Change

Sometimes, it's easier to have someone remain a villain. False clarity makes conflict convenient. For good reason, we think of redemption as a great lofty concept, but it's easy to forget that it comes with a set of inconveniences. Basically, a redeemed villain requires me to rewire how I think and respond to that person. This isn't comfortable at all because it means I need to change.

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Repel The Attack
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Repel The Attack

If something is not right and it is disrupting the health of whatever brings you contentment, take action to deal with it before it worsens. Like gardening, peace needs tending.

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Prayer for the Unremarkable
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Prayer for the Unremarkable

I work hard every day and try not to get in other people's way or stir up trouble. I don't even ask for much attention, but it'd be nice to have a bit. This world I live in has very little room for the unremarkable.

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Make it Home
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Make it Home

But we only have 24 hours a day to work with. Family, work, and sleep all want some of those hours. I'm happy to be in the camp that is able to make it home almost every day to be there when the kids go to bed and to be there in the morning to make them breakfast. Being a Dad is not easy, but it's worth it.

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Give Me A Break
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Give Me A Break

It's easy for me to lobby for a day off for myself, but it's equally important that I live my life in a way that makes it possible for others to rest.

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The Best of Us
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Best of Us

Worry and anxiety are feelings that are difficult to manage in a world that is low on grace and high on shame. Here are the top three things I worry about. Making mistakes Getting hurt and Disappointing people

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What if…Easter?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

What if…Easter?

I’m now speaking for myself, but the story of Jesus’ resurrection requires me to ask this question. “What if you truly believe in the power of Easter? How does your story play out?”

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One Wild and Precious
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

One Wild and Precious

It's my mom's birthday this week, but sadly, she's not with us to celebrate. When I think about the age she was when she passed away from cancer, I'm reminded that I'm not that far away from her in terms of my age. If I were to live as long as my mom did, I would have about four years to live.

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Time in a Bottle
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Time in a Bottle

If you had an expiry date printed on your forehead and you were aware of the time of your death, what would you want to get done? I believe there's value in taking stock of how much time we could have left on this earth.

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Self Edit
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Self Edit

For the most part, my values have remained intact, but I've been gradually editing my beliefs about the world around me. Some ideas I used to carry are no longer helpful, and I've carefully dropped them

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Expensive Memory
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Expensive Memory

I think we all recognize that memories are never perfect. In the best-case scenario, they're like a colander that holds the essential ingredients but allows minor and more subtle elements to escape. As a result, our memories are porous and permeable and have a way of depreciating over time.

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Statues and Status
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Statues and Status

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a history maker—a hero—someone who did extraordinary things. Maybe you can relate and remember what it was like when you were told by very well-meaning people that you could do anything if you put your mind to it. Like, be an astronaut, cure cancer or win the Stanley Cup.

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