What in Edmonton?
Making people feel welcome in Edmonton is not just the hospitalities industry's responsibility. If this is your home, you can help in enhancing the overall quality of life here. If you're a leader of any kind, being hospitable in our community is critical.
Gold In The River
If you spend enough time along the North Saskatchewan River, you run the possibility of coming across tiny flecks of gold dust in the sediment along the river. I've never gone gold panning in the river, but I know that there are hobbyists who have developed the skills to find value from places that are not obvious.
My Bill Clinton Story Part III
I'm well aware that I'm writing during a Canadian federal election, and for those of us in Alberta, we will also be voting at the municipal level. I want to encourage you with two things. First of all, please engage and vote according to your conviction. Secondly, please maintain the belief that most people have good intentions, including those you will not be supporting.
My Bill Clinton Story PART II
If Bill Clinton can find time and resources to write Canadians living in Edmonton, Alberta, I can find time to connect directly with Family, friends, coworkers, guests, and clients
The Worst Street Preacher Ever
You may have encountered a street preacher while walking down Jasper avenue. I know I have, and each time, it's made me think about my friend Grace, the world's worst street preacher.
My Bill Clinton Story Part 1
As a hotel general manager, I spend a lot of time responding to guest reviews, voicemail messages, and connecting with clients. I also work with our team to ensure that I'm always seizing opportunities to connect with our team members in meaningful ways throughout the day. It's a lot of work, but I'm happy to throw myself into it because of something that inspired me many years ago.
Why Edmonton?
When people ask me why I stay in Edmonton, my elevator speech is this: "Edmonton is a city that is going to give you your chance to do whatever you'd like to do. Our town will open doors of opportunity that may be closed in other cities in Canada."
My Friend, Doubt
My good friend Doubt. Invite him to your place of worship, be sure to bring him to your most important discussions at work. Please, make sure you welcome him to your next campfire conversations with friends you trust.
Talking To Data
Fans of Star Trek come in all shapes and sizes, but many of us like to ask the actors questions like, "Where are the bathrooms on the Enterprise?" or "did the Enterprise-D ever have a compliment of quantum torpedos?" and even questions like "Who would win in a fight, Data or C-3PO?" These are my people, and I love them.
Cows and Two-by-Fours
Most solutions have an expiry date. Unfortunately, being angry at the reality of your problem may cause you to miss those expiration dates. Save your energy.
A Silent Killer
Those who are in constant contact with it have higher levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. In addition, some studies have shown that those with prolonged exposure are 29% more likely to develop coronary disease, have a 32% higher risk of stroke, and striking 64% chance of developing clinical dementia! Finally, if untreated, you are 30% more likely to die prematurely at the hands of this silent killer.*
Origin Story
It's early November in the year 2004. I'm sitting in a restaurant on Mulberry Street in New York City. I'm in my early twenties, and I say with certainty that I was one person when I walked through the doors of " Casa Bella" and a different person when I walked out. Perhaps the appropriate word here is 'changed.'