Those who change the world are the ones who are better at listening than talking
Campfires and Doritos
…Yes, people and bad ideas need to be challenged, but change can only happen if we can listen to one another. I'm not naive to how difficult a task this is- but nothing worthwhile is easy. We have to try. One campfire and one bag of Doritos at a time!
Are You Happy? Part II
Am I in the right job?
Did I pick the right career?
Would it have been better had I moved to another city?
Did I make a mistake in turning down that opportunity?
If I could go back in time, what would I change?
How do I feel about these questions?
"n. The inability to decide how much sympathy your situation deserves, knowing that so many people have it far worse and others far better, that some people would need years of therapy to overcome what you have, while others would barely think to mention it in their diary that day."
Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
There Are No Extras
Years ago, I was in Juarez, Mexico, along the Rio Grande and the US and Mexican border. While I was there, I took a photo of the area, and as I snapped the photo, something unintended happened…
Book Review: Why Is There Suffering?
When it comes to one of the big questions in life, like, "Why is there suffering?" the answers are never straightforward. If anything, I've found the answers to be frustrating and sometimes downright insulting. (read more)