Tuning for Black History Month
February is Black History month in the United States and Canada. A fantastic opportunity to celebrate Black History. If our Canadian culture is a symphony, heritage months are like solos.
Travel God
The world we live in today makes us ask questions about nearly everything about our identity. For people of faith, there's a real fear of moving beyond what they were taught and learning to live in new philosophical and political landscapes.
Love to the 22nd Century
Someday, in the early 22nd century, this head will wake up on a pillow in a very different world than the one we're living in today. It is possible that in that time, people may be facing similar challenges to the ones we're facing today. Perhaps even a worldwide pandemic.
The Ones Who Go Before
…An hour later, you're at your bus stop. You're dressed for the cold, but at -40°, you'll only have a few minutes before the cold succeeds at penetrating your many layers of clothing. While you're standing alone in the dark, your only thoughts are of escaping these arctic conditions…
Atari, Turkey & Christmas
For some, this season is painful. It's memories of an empty tree, no turkey dinner or family to keep company. If this is you, I am genuinely sorry. However, Christmas is meant for you.
Book Review: Why Is There Suffering?
When it comes to one of the big questions in life, like, "Why is there suffering?" the answers are never straightforward. If anything, I've found the answers to be frustrating and sometimes downright insulting. (read more)
Edmonton City Of __________
If you had the chance to give the city of Edmonton a nickname or slogan, what would it be? I know this idea gets revisited every once in a while, but hear me out.
What Most People Get Wrong About Superman
here is what most people get wrong about the Man of Steel. His displays of strength are not what makes him unique. Instead, it's his display of restraint that makes him stand apart…
In The Zone
I have been on a decluttering kick lately and I have to tell you, my house feels so much better! And I feel so much better! I want to share what got the ball rolling for me. The first step was reorganizing the stuff.
It’s Great To See You Again
…nothing, and I mean nothing, matches the experience of community. Cheering on your own in your basement is ok; but, standing on your feet to cheer along with 48 000 other fans is exhilarating.
What Do We Owe?
If this is what it feels like to be a soldier thousands of kilometers away from home on a battlefield, then perhaps the question we should focus on isn't "What did they die for?" Instead, the more appropriate question Is, what do I owe them? How should I live, considering that many who of died? Life is precious.
Making Time For Music Makers
All artists disrupt time. A painter can pause a moment. A film can stretch or collapse a memory. Novels can contemplate the past and imagine the future – sometimes at the same time.
Music takes this to another level. Music can't exist without time.
The One With all the Keys
“…the privilege of being a leader in hospitality is that you get to be that person who opens doors for others.
The Grateful Denizen
I love telling stories. The next best thing is to help tell a story with a friend. What an incredible honor to help tell a story with Jared Robinson . Enjoy!
Everyday Election
I've already voted in the advance polls. Still, I understand and believe that my vote only represents one aspect of my daily "political" life. I'm trying to vote every day.
We Don’t Pick the Story
Yesterday, my team and I had the privilege of reopening the Radisson Hotel Edmonton South at 11AM. Our team has been through a lot, so before we opened our doors, I brought them together to share a few words.
What Do you Do with Your Noah?
We will all need to make decisions about how we want to re-engage with people of firm conviction. If you're a Christian and the religion of your faith community has lacked compassion and understanding, let me be the one to encourage you that it's ok to leave if your faith community is not a safe place. I believe in unity, but not at the expense of your health: physical, mental, or spiritual. Get out now and live your life. Find a community where you will be safe.
See The Stars
If you're in a place in life where you can no longer see the stars, remember the times you could. If that fails you, find someone who can remind you.
Freedom & Breathing Tubes
My lungs fill with cool pine-scented mountain air, and I'm so happy to be alive…The breath in my lungs stands in contrast to patients currently lying in our overflowing intensive care units in the province. Many of them are intubated because they can no longer breathe on their own.
A Better Story
When I've listened to a First Nations speaker, I will sometimes hear them speak of past events as if they are currently happening in the present. I started thinking about that years ago, and since then, it's helped me understand that not only did Canada commit genocide on the indigenous populations before and years after confederation, but that genocide is ongoing. That hurt is alive. The cries continue.