Be Unreasonable
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Be Unreasonable

After nearly two decades of working in hospitality and community, I've learned one thing: motivation is a non-renewable resource. There is often an infinite and unending demand for service. We only have so much energy to give, and it doesn't take long to give the little we have. We're only human.

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How Do You Sleep?
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

How Do You Sleep?

If you work in a stressful role, you'll know that sleep is not guaranteed. Your mind can be very good at keeping you awake. You have a stressful job if your work involves elements mainly out of your control.

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We Went to Quebec Part II
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

We Went to Quebec Part II

We have a young family, so we had to be intentional about what we'd like to do and also leave room for rest and spontaneity on our trip to Quebec City.

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Pack A Photographer
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Pack A Photographer

There is one thing you could include in your travel budget that will enhance your experience at your destination, continue to provide value for you for years to come, and provide a gateway for you to return to the great memories you made on your trip. If you can’t pack a photographer, you should at least budget to hire a professional one.

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We Went to Quebec
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

We Went to Quebec

"Your French is better than my English." said the taxi driver to me as he drove my family to Jean Lesage Airport to catch our flight back to Edmonton. I hadn't put much thought into the quality of my French on our family trip to Quebec City, but I did feel a sense of gratitude for my parents' decision when I was five years old to put me in a French immersion school program.

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He-Man, Barbies, and The Sound of Freedom
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

He-Man, Barbies, and The Sound of Freedom

I was a classic child of the 1980s, and my Saturday mornings included watching Masters of the Universe, Droids, Ewoks, The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, and Pee Wee's Playhouse. This was normal for me and millions of other kids, except for one little caveat. Before church, my mom often said, "So, please don't bring up He-Man and the Masters of the Universe at church."

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Instant Faith
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Instant Faith

We're all smart here. Despite what we're being sold, we all know deep down inside that any worthwhile transformation requires a crucial ingredient—hard work. There is no way around it. I can't change myself for the better unless I do the work. Though TikTok and Instagram advertise otherwise, sustainable success is a long game.

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Haters and Creators
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Haters and Creators

Complaining is easy. The road taken by the chronic complainer is broad, and many walk it.

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Self Edit
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Self Edit

For the most part, my values have remained intact, but I've been gradually editing my beliefs about the world around me. Some ideas I used to carry are no longer helpful, and I've carefully dropped them

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Back to the 80s
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Back to the 80s

Hollywood has a target audience to capture at the box office. The target, for now, seems to be kids from the 1980s. The bait for this particular audience is nostalgia.

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Workplace Wounds
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Workplace Wounds

Workplace Betrayal.

It's an injury that's very likely to happen. It’s also an injury that doesn’t have a caution sign that we could post in an office to warn people about.

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Less Afraid
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Less Afraid

There is a market for inspiring fear and anger. Yes, there is often cause for concern, but fear is paralyzing, and we need more people who are willing to make an investment in our collective courage. 

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Jesus Freak
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Jesus Freak

This is the struggle of the ages for anyone religious. Do you allow your faith to evolve when presented with new information? I would say yes.

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Tasting Notes
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Tasting Notes

A good cup of coffee doesn't just appear on its own. There's a process behind it, and it requires an entire community to bring it to your table.

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Going Solar!
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

Going Solar!

Growing up, I was taught in school that solar power was possible. Still, back then, it seemed that this kind of technology was reserved for millionaires, mad scientists, James Bond Villains, or.... all three combined. Decades later, these life choices are no longer the prerequisite for residential solar power generation.

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The Pentecostal Diet
Jordan Majeau Jordan Majeau

The Pentecostal Diet

This kind of faith pushes Christians beyond the boundaries of comfort and into a world where they could one day sit at a restaurant and enjoy Filipino Sisig or an Argentine Choripan. Not just to enjoy the food but to love the people who serve it. A faith where Christians would learn to speak new languages not just to become comfortable in the world but to better understand and appreciate it.

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